Partner with us for direct, cost-effective access to key decision-makers.

Let us book you 5-10 sales meetings each month on a pay per show basis.
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Some clients we've worked with

B2B companies often  stumble over similar hurdles in client acquisition without realising the compounding effects on their growth and market position. At ORTUS, we've pinpointed these critical areas and have developed strategies to help overcome them.

Using Generic, One-Size-Fits-All Email Templates

Many B2B companies fall into the trap of using generic email templates that fail to resonate with their audience. These templated emails lack personalisation and do not consider the unique interests, needs, and pain points of different segments of the audience.

ORTUS Solution: We craft personalised emails that speak directly to each segment of your audience. By leveraging data and insights about your target market, we ensure that every email feels relevant and valuable to its recipients, significantly increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Bombarding Prospects' Inboxes

Another mistake is overwhelming prospects with too many emails, which can lead to annoyance, disengagement, and increased unsubscribe rates. Sending emails too frequently without considering the recipient's interest or engagement level can harm your brand's reputation and customer relationships.

ORTUS Solution: We employ a strategic approach to email frequency, carefully timing our communications to ensure they are anticipated and welcomed by the recipients. Our focus is on quality over quantity, ensuring each email adds value and strengthens the relationship with your audience

Lack Of Role Clarity Between Marketing And Sales

When marketing and sales departments lack clear role distinctions, it can lead to inefficiencies, diluted efforts, and missed opportunities for growth. This lack of clarity often results in overlapping responsibilities, misaligned goals, and a fragmented approach to customer engagement and lead generation.

ORTUS Solution: We act as your dedicated lead generation partner, filling the gap in your team's expertise or bandwidth. With a sole focus on identifying, nurturing, and delivering qualified leads, we enable your sales and marketing teams to concentrate on their core functions.

Lack Of Consistent Lead Flow

It's a common hurdle that can make your sales pipeline feel like a rollercoaster, leading to revenue that's just as unpredictable. The key to sustainable business growth is a reliable stream of new leads, something many B2B businesses struggle to maintain.

ORTUS Solution: Once we have found and warmed up leads for you, making sure they're genuinely interested and ready for the next step, we hand them over to you. You'll be picking up a conversation with leads who are already informed, engaged, and much closer to making a decision. We do the heavy lifting of warming them up, and you get to focus on what you do best—sealing the deal on the sales call.

Over Reliance On Referrals And Word Of Mouth

Many B2B companies find themselves trapped in a cycle of dependency on referrals and word-of-mouth marketing, leading to an unpredictable sales pipeline. While these methods have their merits, solely relying on them can result in feast-or-famine cycles that hinder consistent growth and scalability.

ORTUS Solution: We address the unpredicted ability by  employing our custom tech stack for improved email deliverability and adopting a value-based approach to enhance engagement. Our targeted campaigns broaden your lead sources, ensuring a steady, qualified influx for a more predictable pipeline.

Here’s our 7 step roadmap we guide you through

Step 1

Discovery Call

To start with, we need to gauge if we are a mutual fit. This 30-minute call will help us understand your business objectives and challenges at a high level. It's a crucial step to ensure our services align with your needs, setting a foundation for a successful partnership.

  • Assess mutual fit

  • Understand high-level business objectives and challenges

Step 2

Strategy Session

Following a successful discovery call, we dive deeper into your business during this strategy session. This is where we discuss your goals, assess your current marketing efforts, and start crafting a pathway towards your desired future. It's an in-depth exploration aimed at aligning our strategies with your business objectives.

  • Detailed business analysis ("look under the bonnet")

  • Align goals for 3, 6, and 12 months with current marketing strategies

    Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    Introduce tailored methods to elevate business

Step 3

Strategy Development and Campaign Engine Setup

Now that we have a more comprehensive understanding of your business and marketing goals, we move forward to develop your campaign strategy and prepare the technical infrastructure. This phase involves creating a tailored plan that includes audience segmentation, content personalisation, and ensuring all systems are go for a smooth launch.

  • Audience segmentation and content personalisation

  • Technical setup and integrations

    Campaign Engine Setup for High Volume Targeted Outreach

    Hyper-Personalised Lead Lists creation

  • Initiate the 14-day inbox warm-up for optimal deliverability

Step 4

Strategy Validation and Brand Voice Alignment

Before we launch, it's crucial that we align on the campaign's strategic direction and messaging. This phase is about refining the campaign to ensure it perfectly resonates with your brand voice and meets your approval. It's your campaign, and your final approval is paramount for authenticity and success.

  • Review and adjust the campaign based on your feedback

  • Ensure messaging aligns with brand voice and objectives

Step 5

Execution, Monitoring, and Optimisation

With your approval, we're ready to launch. But our work doesn't stop there. We continuously monitor the campaign's performance, making real-time adjustments to optimise for engagement and conversion. Through transparent reporting, we keep you informed and involved every step of the way.

  • Launch campaign and monitor performance

  • Optimise engagement and conversion rates

  • Provide transparent reporting and communication

Step 6

Sales Handover and Engagement

This stage is designed to seamlessly transition prospects from engaged email recipients to active participants in your sales process. With the groundwork laid and interest piqued, you're perfectly positioned to do what you do best: close the sale on your sales calls.

  • Cultivate warm leads through targeted email interactions.

  • Hand over qualified leads for direct sales engagement.

  • Equip your team with insights and context for each lead, enhancing the potential for successful sales calls.

Step 7

Reporting, Feedback, and Continuous Improvement

The cycle of improvement and growth in our partnership is driven by transparent reporting and active feedback. At this concluding phase, we not only provide comprehensive insights into campaign performance but also seek your feedback to refine and adjust our strategies.

  • Deliver monthly reports on campaign performance, offering actionable insights and strategic recommendations.

  • Engage in a continuous feedback loop, incorporating your insights and preferences to fine-tune our approach and strategies for subsequent campaigns

The competition vs ORTUS


Tech Stack

Volume vs. Value

Content Strategy

List Segmentation

Pricing Model


Transparency and Communication

Deliverability and Lead Care


Other agencies

Relies on outdated technology, limiting campaign effectiveness and deliverability.
Prioritises quantity over quality, leading to less effective engagement.
Uses generic content, often repurposing material without customisation.
Minimal to no segmentation, treating all leads as if they have the same interests and needs.
Fixed retainers without performance incentives, leading to potential complacency.
Set-and-forget campaigns with little to no adjustments based on performance data.
Often operates with minimal client interaction or updates on campaign progress.
Neglects email deliverability and may risk lead quality with aggressive tactics.
Over promises and under delivers.


Employs the latest tech stack for superior
campaign efficiency and deliverability.
Focuses on high-value based, strategic engagements over mere volume.
Crafts highly personalised content tailored to each client's unique brand and audience.
Implements detailed list segmentation to ensure message relevance and engagement.
Performance-based pricing model, ensuring motivation is aligned with client success.
Constantly reviews and adjusts strategies based on real-time data for optimal results.
Guarantees open communication and transparency, providing regular updates and being available for queries.
Prioritises email deliverability and nurtures leads carefully to maintain high-quality prospects.
Set realistic goals and exeeds them.


Tech Stack

Volume vs. Value

Content Strategy

List Segmentation

Pricing Model


Transparency and Communication

Deliverability and Lead Care



Employs the latest tech stack for cutting-edge
campaign efficiency.
Focuses on high-value based, strategic engagements over mere volume.
Crafts highly personalised content tailored to each client's unique brand and audience.
Implements detailed list segmentation to ensure message relevance and engagement.
Performance-based pricing model, ensuring motivation is aligned with client success.
Constantly reviews and adjusts strategies based on real-time data for optimal results.
Guarantees open communication and transparency, providing regular updates and being available for queries.
Prioritises email deliverability and nurtures leads carefully to maintain high-quality prospects.
Set realistic goals and exeeds them


Tech Stack

Volume vs. Value

Content Strategy

List Segmentation

Pricing Model


Transparency and Communication

Deliverability and Lead Care


Other agencies

Relies on outdated technology, limitingcampaign effectiveness.
Prioritises quantity over quality, leading to less effective engagement.
Uses generic content, often repurposing material without customisation.
Minimal to no segmentation, treating all leads as if they have the same interests and needs.
Fixed retainers without performance incentives, leading to potential complacency.
Set-and-forget campaigns with little to no adjustments based on performance data.
Often operates with minimal client interaction or updates on campaign progress.
Neglects email deliverability and may risk lead quality with aggressive tactics.
Over promises and under delivers

Don't just take our word for it.

Check out the responses our clients are getting


This is what people say about us

Exceeded our expectations

Ortus exceeded our expectations, diligently attending to every detail and ensuring our specific requirements were flawlessly met. Their expertise and commitment to client satisfaction truly sets them apart. We'll undoubtedly collaborate with Ortus and Hugo again for our future projects, and highly recommend their services to others seeking exceptional results.

James Barshall
Founder, Thermal Renewables
The real deal.

Partnering with ORTUS was a great decision for us. We were initially attracted to their performance-based pricing, as it took the risk away from us. However, once we started working together, it felt like they were part of the team. No doubt they have  other clients, but it felt like they were as invested in our goals as we were, creating a genuine partnership. They're the real deal.

jamie green
Founder, RJSG Advisors
Attention to detail

Past experiences with agencies had us on our guard, but ORTUS changed the game for us. Their attention to detail caught our attention early on, and they went above and beyond what we hoped for. They managed to mix professionalism with a genuine warmth and friendliness, making the whole process all the more enjoyable. Initially, they secured us two calls in the first month, but quickly ramped up their efforts to deliver six the following month.

Ben Moroney
Director, Professional
about us

What we do

Hi, I'm Hugo.

I come from a rich marketing background, having worked with household brands such as Natwest, Lexus Cars, and Travelodge. Over three years ago, I decided to channel this experience into launching ORTUS STUDIO.

Our mission at ORTUS is simple yet ambitious: to redefine the way businesses approach email marketing. We believe in the immense potential of reaching millions of inboxes, but the real magic lies in crafting messages that are not just seen but acted upon eliciting responses. This focus on creating impactful, engaging email content is what drives us every day.

Our goal? To transform your email campaigns into a robust engine for business growth, ensuring that each message we send on your behalf opens doors to new opportunities and meetings.

Thank you for taking the time to explore what we offer. Together, let's make every email count.


You got questions we got answers

1. What services does ORTUS  offer?

We specialise in offering tailored email marketing solutions designed to increase lead generation and booking of sales-qualified meetings for B2B clients.

Our services include strategy development, content creation, campaign launch and management, performance monitoring, and optimisation, all tailored to meet your business's unique needs and goals.

2. How does the performance-based pricing model work?

Our performance-based pricing model ensures that you only pay for tangible results. Specifically, we charge based on the number of sales-qualified meetings successfully booked through our email campaigns.

We believe this model helps us align our goals with yours, as we are incentivised to deliver leads that are ready to engage with your sales team.

3. Can ORTUS work with businesses in any industry?

Yes, but we specifically excel with B2B businesses. Our strategy sessions are key to tailoring our email campaigns to your unique industry and customer needs.

If you're in the B2B sector with a physical productor service, we believe we're uniquely equipped to help your business grow through targeted email marketing.

4. How does ORTUS ensure our brand voice is accurately represented in email campaigns?

Our process begins with a comprehensive strategy session to understand your brand's voice, values, and messaging. We then craft personalised email content that reflects your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

Before we even launch, we go back over what’s been created with you. This is your opportunity to evaluate if we have hit the right tone.

Throughout the campaign, we also maintain open lines of communication for feedback, ensuring that every piece of content aligns with your brand standards.

5. What makes ORTUS different from other email marketing agencies?

This is always a funny question to answer, (trying our best not to sound like everyone else.)

But when we truly distil down what distinguishes us, it's our open, transparent communication, performance-based pricing, and value-driven marketing strategy.

Unlike typical email marketing agencies, we don't just send emails; we aim to craft compelling narratives around your brand, delivering content that truly resonates and adds value to your audience's inbox.

Our customised, data-informed approach is designed not only to capture attention but also to foster genuine engagement, positioning you as a solutions provider rather than just another seller.

6. How does it take to see results?

While the timeframe for seeing tangible results can vary, most clients begin to observe an increase in engagement and lead generation within the first few months of launch. This timeline can be influenced by several factors, including the complexity of your industry's sales cycle.

Our approach is hands-on from the start: we will diligently monitor, analyse, and optimise campaigns to ensure we're making steady progress towards your goals. It's in our mutual interest to see quick results; however, we want to set realistic expectations.

Typically, the 6-8 week mark post our initial discovery call is a reasonable period to start seeing the impact of our efforts. This balance means we can strive for efficiency without compromising the quality and strategic depth of our campaigns.


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